Well, it ain't about me. It is about Him. He created me and I am here for His purposes; He is not here for mine.
But, who am I?
I was born Thomas Charles Ohlendorf. I was born and raised a Roman Catholic and followed that path up until about two years ago; that means the for most of my adult life I followed that path; maybe, 50 years of my 53 at this point.
I do not think of myself as a Roman Catholic these days. Even though I have dedicated myself to Messiah Jahoushoua, I do not think of myself as a Christian because most Christian sects follow the paganized traditions set in place by Constantine.
I do think of myself as an Israelite because by linage I am of the House of Israel; the ten tribes that did not return to the land of Israel after Babylonian captivity. These tribes were held in an area between the Black and Caspian Seas and, when released, migrated through the Caucasus Mountains into Europe, Britain, and finally the Americas.
Specifically I am of Celto-Saxon linage. Celto = Celtic = Irish. Saxon = German. I am 1/4 Irish and 3/4 German. On my father's side it is 100% German and on my mother's side it is German-Irish.
I said I was born and raised Roman Catholic. I was baptized a Catholic, had my First Holy Communion as a Catholic, was confirmed as a Catholic, and even sought deaconship as a Catholic. I did not achieve the deaconship.
As a Catholic I drifted in and out of the faith. I never quite felt at home in it. I always felt that something was missing, something was wrong, and I was not being told everything. I felt misled but could not put my finger on why I felt that way.
When my mother passed in 2006, well, let's just say my wife and I ran into financial problems and leave it at that. We are now seeing the end of that.
Regardless, I got mad at YHVH; it was his fault we were there. Then I flip-flopped and became a stronger Catholic and flip-flopped again. I floundered and did not know what I believed.
Finally one day I was watching the History Channel and saw the show Ancient Aliens. I started exploring that angle and came across an organization dedicated to Creationism. That lead me back to the Bible but not the Roman Catholic Bible; the King James. I started up a yearly Bible reading plan that I have been through about five time to date. I also found folks like Michael Rood, Keith Johnson, Nehemiah Gordon, and many, many Face Book Friends that have lead me onto the path out of Babylon. One person that I uncovered that has helped me immensely is Larry Meguair.
You could say that what I have been saying is all about religion. No! It is about faith. Religion is man's attempt to make God in his own image. Faith is believing the Bible and knowing that it's contents are truth. Faith is also the undeniable belief in God. I have faith and I pray everyday that my faith increases.
There are other things I could tell you about myself like degrees, certifications, credentials, and so on; but, they pale in importance when compared to faith, YHVH, and Yahoushoua.
1 comment:
So, here we are in 2019 almost 2020. Things have changed to my life as it does for most.
Yes, I am a Christian, I am a Nazarene. Nazarenes were the first century Christians that were the disciples of Jesus and also walked in Torah.
When I started out on this walk I was what you would call a Torah Terrorist. I judged everyone harshly and if you did not follow Torah then you were going to hell.
These days I recognize the power of mercy.
[1 Corinthians 4:5 NKJV] 5 Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord comes, who will both bring to light the hidden things of darkness and reveal the counsels of the hearts. Then each one's praise will come from God.
This is what I try to live by now. We do not know how far the mercy of Jesus extends so we need to reserve judgement until He returns.
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