Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Who put boils on Job?

[Job 2:7 KJV] 7 So went Satan forth from the presence of the LORD, and smote Job with sore boils from the sole of his foot unto his crown.

There are many that there is a fallen angel hellbent on the destruction of mankind and they call him Satan or the devil. I do not accept this.

In Hebrew satan, usually preceded by “ha” or “the” means adversary. Most times it is a flesh and blood human such as Judas was to Jesus or it could be God Himself.

How can I say it is can be God? We re born in total depravity with a hatred for God. That would definitely make God an adversary.

So, what happened to Job? His family was wiped out, his possessions were wiped out, and he was turned from a wealthy leader, maybe high priest, into a lowly, homeless, penniless, beggar. If you were at the top of your game one day and suddenly left with nothing wouldn’t you be under some stress?

Job was under a great deal of stress. Not only was he wiped out but there was a jealous adversary (ha satan) in the ranks sort of like Korah was to Aaron and Moses.

Stress causes all sorts of maladies, including boils. Just look at what happened to Egypt during the plagues. Egypt had already been through five terrible plagues and the stress was mounting.

The answer to the question “Who put boils on Job” is simple, God allowed it to happen so God did.

There is no fallen angel hellbent on the destruction of humanity here or anywhere in the Bible.

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